About Us

Core Values

* Moving and engaging worship
* Openness in decision-making
* Deep, life-giving relationships
* Building and 150 year history as part of our identity
* Serving the community through mission
* Courage to take risks and the ability to persevere

Mission Statement

Following Christ, we strive to love and serve the world so
that all may grow in faith and experience true joy.

Who We Are

​We are a small but active congregation who values the Word of God lived out through our daily lives.  We value God’s peace, justice, and love and seek to embody those values in all that we say and do.


Rev. Dr. Steven Robterson


Steve is the current pastor, serving the Hastings congregation since January 2020.  He was previously an interim pastor in Hastings during 2017-2018.  He has served as an associate or solo pastor at congregations in Inverness, Florida, East Lansing, Michigan, Washington, D.C., downtown Minneapolis, and as in interim pastor in Hayfield, Minnesota. He is also the part-time Treasurer for the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area.

Steve is married to Susan Peacock, who works in the Center for Global Education and Experience at Augsburg University.  Together they enjoy the wonderful vibrant music, theater, and arts offerings in the Twin Cities area and appreciate traveling across the nation and around the world.

Karen Alpeter


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Melyssa Rice

Song Leader

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